Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Hate This Part Right Here

Just have to say, I hate misinformation and no information. I've only taken the bus into NY once and that was awhile back. So I made sure to check the Official NJ TRANSIT trip planner for the fare. $8.00. I thought it was a little steel but hey, who am I to argue. So knowing that exact fare is needed stop at the store to break a $20. My change was $16 (ughhh) so I asked her to give me the $10 in singles. She's not too happy about giving away her singles so early in the morning but what's a girl to do?!

So now I'm all set and have practiced my stance of how to insert the money while holding my latte in the other hand. I put my 5 in, then I put a 1, and then I start to put in the other 1 and I notice a strange look come over the bus driver's face - one I've seen before that tells me I'm doing something wrong. So I say "It's 8 to New York right?" to which he replies, "No, it's $6.50." FML.

Then I'm sitting here and I hear this announcement come on that says "no eating or drinking allowed on this bus. Thank you for your cooperation." uh, sorry for not cooperating but I'm not familiar with this rule. Thank God the bus driver had a heart and didn't make me ditch it.

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