Friday, August 24, 2012

Dark (K)night

I was too exhausted to string my words together last night (and won't do a good job now either) but I feel compelled to share...

So last night I stayed at work late to get an important deliverable out the door. I hadn't planned to stay so late but when I went to send my email I got the pop-up that I had exceeded my storage quota. This means before I can send or receive anything I have to clean out my email. So before you know it, it's 8:20 and pitch black. Great.

So I'm walking my regular route while talking on the phone to my friends, and I come upon the grassy field that I swore I wouldn't walk through in the dark again; but I honestly had no choice. I'm not feeling too scared because I at least have virtual company. I'm walking along and next thing you know a freaking BAT swoops down close to me! While I'm trying to rationalize what just happened, the bat takes another swoop! With that, I screamed (yup, horror movie scream too) and started running. All the while thinking I'm going to get bit by this bat and get rabies. Having virtual company was moot because he was laughing at me. The laughter only got louder once I revealed that I fell. Needless to say, I made it out of the field alive and without being bit. Now, there may be debate as to whether or not that was a bat but I maintain that it was. After the first swoop my friend goes "that bat ain't thinking 'bout you." Two well timed swoops tell me different. I tried to tell him bats can't see. All the bat knows is that he's detected large, warm, flesh moving through this field!

Lesson learned: Clean out my email.

1 comment:

  1. I just noticed your alias, Ann. Well, bat or no bat, the lesson is not to clean your mailbox, but give the decision-makers trouble for limiting your storage space! Tell 'em I said so...! ;)
