Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How To Save A Life

So, in my earnest to get back on the fitness bandwagon, I've been purposely getting off at the train stop before my normal stop and walking the mile home instead. Tonight for the entire walk I questioned whether or not tonight was a night to have done so but I didn't really have many options as the next bus or train wouldn't have arrived for almost an hour. Although I was continually frustrated by the vegetation overgrowing and overhanging into the sidewalk, I did manage a smile when I spotted a bunny rabbit on someone's front lawn. The smile quickly dissipated when I remembered about the dead dog at my usual crosswalk. I thought I have a lot of calling to do tomorrow...

Well, the thing that was most intriguing on this walk home and served as the inspiration for this post was the bicyclist that was riding along my street. Here it is after 9pm and he's riding on this street with NO LIGHTS - NO REFLECTORS - NO NOTHING. As I was walking, I made my resolve that I would tell him that he needed lights if he was going to be out here riding at night. I stopped at the crosswalk and watched as the bicyclist continued through as his light was red. Needless to say, he almost hit and got hit by the car that had the green. That was it for me. I reached into my bag for my safety light. When he got closer I said "You really need to have a light on your bike or on yourself. Would you like one?" He stopped and took it. He asked where he should put it. I told him since he's riding with traffic he should worry more about the cars behind him not seeing him therefore he should clip it to his back pocket. He thanked me and asked me if I lived around here. I said yes and he told me he had just moved to NJ and was looking for a place to live. I told him about a few places I knew of but kept the conversation short because he was still in the street with no lights. I wished him well and told him to stay safe. I felt really good about imparting knowledge but was really worried about his riding skills. I'm sure this is his commuting route so maybe we'll meet again and I'll have a bike light for him.

Moral of the story: Be Safe, Be Seen.

This is what bicycling looks along this road during the daytime

1 comment:

  1. Once again, Tiffany's showing her wings! Thanks for being the champion out there!
