Monday, February 6, 2012

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This

So the day has NOT started on a good note. After fighting all that's within me to call out sick (currently running on 3.5 hours of sleep and hungover), I bust my bum to get to work and get there on time. Well I made it out the house within the 10 min window that I need to make it to the train on time so I was very proud of myself. I get there and I see the regulars. Without looking at the time, I notice something's off. I start to see the jitteriness and the "where is this train?" puffs and so I check the time. It is a little late. It's supposed to come @6:49am but it always comes no later than 5 minutes after that. If it doesn't, you know something's wrong. Sure enough my phone vibrates and I get the alert that the train is delayed by 30 minutes! If this were a station with a heated waiting room on the side I'm waiting on that would be easy to swallow - but it's not. We all have to stand out here in the cold to wait because of ever loving "mechanical problems." The only good that came out of it was that I figured out that there was a Blogger app that I could use to write this post from my phone...and then my phone died.

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