Monday, January 30, 2012

Flashing Lights

So this is a first...
I just got flashed by some weirdo (no doubt college kid) while waiting at the bus stop.

While I am an admirer of the human male form - this was quite unwelcome.
This came on the heels of some kids riding by and honking their horn at me. Thanks but no thanks for the attention guys. Since when did wearing a coat garnish so much attention? Maybe it was the Lara Croft boots..

So, I'm standing there waiting out in the cold (36 lovely degrees) for my bus and out of nowhere I hear "Hey!" I look straight across and I see this guy lift up his shirt. I'm thinking in my head "Great..." So then he yells out again "Hey!" and he pulls down his pants. Now I'm thinking, "Are you stupid? It's cold out here. That's not very flattering. And don't you know I have an iPhone and I can take your picture and send it to the po-po?" But I said none of that because I just didn't have the energy. Instead I took my anger/annoyance to my Facebook status. I didn't know how to process it at first but my nonchalance soon dispersed into anger. I imagine it was the same type of anger that bubbled up in my little red headed friend on the subway on this fateful night:

I started thinking - how many other innocent women have been subject to this while waiting for the bus here?
That's when I started plotting how to handle the situation appropriately. I really don't have it in me to go to the South Orange police station and report it tonight but I certainly will tomorrow.
In the meantime, here's my form of vigilante justice:
Location of the Flasher
Immortalizing his location on my blog ;-)

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